Events > Past Event & Run History

Feb 8 - Aggressor boat Display # CE009

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Thanks to everyone who turned up. Suzie Bronte and Myself had fun. Now you know what I get up to when you are all sleeping. Dave

have to impressed with the boat and the motor, cept for that bloody wing, that makes it look like a batboat...
but then again... if im reading right, its a very old boat.... or a copy of a very old boat.

The boat was built in 1961 and has been restored to the way it was when it crashed in 1972. It was undefeated in the 71/72 season. There is only one other Merlin powered Hydro in Aus and less than a dozen world wide. All are unique. Google search vintage hydroplane or you tube Aggressor Thunderboat if you want to see it running. Dave


--- Quote ---Originally posted by bootlegger
 It was undefeated in the 71/72 season.
--- End quote ---

... and in its heyday, as Dave explained to us, by driver choice Aggressor always started from the back of the field on the basis that it ought to be able to catch and pass all opponents ... and it always did!

ah then that explains the rear wing then...
 me thinks if it was built today the wing would be vastly differnt in design
 dont get me wrong.... boat etc etc like this NEED preserving.... it just had some oddball (read ugly) styling in the form of that rear wing.


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