Events > Past Event & Run History
January 6 - Mid week run - Central Coast # CE002
For the lucky ones that are on holidays we have a run to the Beachcomber Hotel Toukley for lunch.
200 Main Rd Toukley
Reserved parking has been arranged.
The beachcomber hotel is one of the finest hotels on the NSW Central Coast.
Nestled on the shores of Lake Budgewoi, 'The Beachie' is a true landmark for both locals of the North lakes area, visitors from Newcastle and Sydney or holiday-makers from around Australia and overseas. The Beachcomber Hotel has two great bars inside with the best range of beers, wines and spirits, fabulous food in the Lakeside Bistro for lunch or dinner, the largest lakeside beer garden and outdoor bar for relaxing with friends
If you would like to join in meet at Thornleigh Macca’s. Departing at 9:30. We then drive to Gosford, meet up with the Northern members at West Gosford MacDonalds at 10:15am for a scenic drive to Crackneck Lookout, Shelley Beach, Soldiers Point beach then Toukley for lunch.
Reservations have been made, if I could have an indication on numbers it would be appreciated 0411 126 383
I'm in.
Hey everyone, my daughter in-law and I are both in.
Yeah go the girls.....
The 'Beachy' is a great spot & I haven't had a crook feed there yet. Count me in for one (wife is working). PK
Hi every one,I'm not a member of your club yet but I have a Vette and live on the Central Coast would'nt mind tagging along and meeting some more of you guys if thats OK
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