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Fibre Optic looms
Anyone have any idea about fibre optics?
I've never worked with the stuff, but I need to replace all the looms in my '70 vert. The back ones have been cut and the front ones have been chewed by previous tenants (Rats living in th dash)
Is this stuff available on a roll?
I'm guessing that it cannot be joined?
I read somewhere that Its hard to find replacement fibre optics? I'm sure you could get something from the states but you would think somebody here would have the stuff? Isnt our data/phone lines now fibre optics???? Im not sure it can be joined and I dont think you can get it on a roll unless its a big diameter roll because Fibre optics are made of glass! (I think)
You can buy the pre prepared looms from the states but they are way too much.
Yes fibre optics is used in our telecommunications systems, that's why I'm thinking it has to be available somehow.
$189 for this.
Can't tell how complete it is because Ecklers item description relates to wiring looms.
Even though Ecklers is one of the most expensive, lets use them as an example as you provided the link:
Front loom with optics US$300.00
Rear loom with optics US$265.00
Lets guess postage to be US$100.00
At today's dollar (0.65) total cost AU$1018.00
Because it's over 1K AU you now have to add GST once Aussie customs snatch it.
The way I've been buying parts is to calculate the American cost, compare to the Australian cost and see what is most cost effective.
Looking at paying a grand for a couple of looms seems ridiculous to me, that's why I'm sure there has to be a way to make these suckers. Buy a small role and cut/tape the stuff into looms. I'm keen to learn more about it.
I have also heard that there might be a possibility you cannot buy fibre optic without a special license here in Australia. I was talking to a cabling guy at work and he said when he went for his cabling course he can vaguely remember something to do with having to get special permits to work with fibre optic cabling, I asked why and he said "Cause it's F'ing dangerous!". I tried to get more info and he just didn't know as he doesn't work with it.
Surely there is a way!
I'm learning - but still need more info...
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