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78 vette

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there is a 78 vette for sale on ebay, what do you think? yes/no

Can you post the link here so we can take a little look?

Is that the red one with a $15000 start price?  I'll bet the reserve is way too high!

I'd never buy a car I couldn't look at or test drive.

I don't know how to post the picture.
Sent the owner a email and he wants $25000 before he sells. I went to the ebay site and did a search on corvette and up it came, only 3 days to go.


25g's is an average price for a vette but like Chris mentions, you'd really want to be able to atleast make an inspection and see it before buying.

Ebay is not the only place around if you're vette hunting. Check out (plenty there) and for more comparison. Alternatively, check our own classifieds here at or on this forum from time to time to see what club members have for sale.

Corvette's, especialy C3's can be a little mis leading in photo's and I'd recommend eyeballing one as a caution prior to purchase.

Good luck!


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