Technical Tips > Pre 84
OK.I live in Berry so its close, but about 8 cars turned up, on a beautiful sunday, lottsa mustangs, but still only 8 vettes, very sad guys.I know the weekend before some very keen vettesters went to brissy, big congrats.if the club is to shine in the coming years our members must get offa there butts and get out to meets, you buy it, you drive it, and if the only reason you go to meets is to win trophies you should have a real good look at yourself as a car enthusiast, getting of my soap box now.IT WAS A FINE DAY ALL DAY 1 HOUR DRIVE FROM SYDNEY WITH OVER 200 MEMBERS SHEEEESH.;););););););) This is for old members and new members, as I joined in 94 and I've been to lottsa meets in my shopping trolley and even flew to adelaide convention in a bloody plane.
Pete...Hope to see you flying in your black 88 pretty soon.;35
It was a great day!some nice stangs.Spitteri's modified 63 won best vette!But I must say I think I might of upstaged him! the Wool shed sits on the side of a freeway section.Every time a car left the lot it would pull out full throttle so everyone snapped their heads around to look.Seeing no Mustangs could really impress me,when I pulled out I dropped the clutch AND SMOKED EM UP big time in 1st & 2nd ,then speed off with Mr69er.Those pony's wouldnt of known what hit them,apparently there was smoke everywhere.White Knight - if you get any complaints,tell em you dont know me.;29;35;39
Vette Obsessed:
I think eight cars is a few more than we had there last year. I was at home cursing the fact that the new battery I bought on Saturday had a split right down the side of the casing. :20
Thats what I get for not taking it out of the box and checking it before I left the shop with it. ;ay
andrew thats a real shame mate, I'm off to figtree tonight in the wifes jag, should be fun;););) south coast meet
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