Technical Tips > Pre 84

All gassed up

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Well, I'm back and so far so good. Took a look at my plugs and their clean (!) Starting seems a bit better than what it was on petrol.
I'm also told gas is good for starting an engine because it doesnt wash the film of oil on the cylinder walls.

I have only one gas "carburretor" - the stock engine prolly wouldnt need 2 at this stage.

In my 4wd I run plugs one step colder as I heard this helps with the temps (gas burns hotter).  Did you get this advice?


--- Quote ---LPG = virtually no damning emmissions.
--- End quote ---



One thing I'm not is a bleeding heart environmentalist,  tree hugging greenie. You know they can run cats inside sidepipes tho.....not that I'd want them of course.:b2

77- no i havent heard about running plugs a step colder, ill see how these ones fair after a bit longer, its an old engine so dont want em too cold.

As for the enviroment, well, at least it wont kill the neighbours anymore as it sits and warms up. Not to mention if i back it into the garage...



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