Technical Tips > Pre 84
Removal and install pics.
Has anyone ever had the experience with corrosion or other contaminants in the fuel tank of their C3 ... ?
Besides the replacement of the tank, what other ideas are out there regarding a solution ?
Do tanks clean well ... and are they expensive ?
Appreciate any comments ..
Thanx ...
been there done this alot,IE take the tank out and fixed holes, didn't work. so replaced at great expense. But taking out one is relatively easy, just remember to take mufflers off, the long way at the start is the quicker way at the end when it comes to putting it back, most fiddly part is centreing the filler cap and making sure the straps(metal) are tight,also the return line on the near side is fiddly connecting back up,all in all don;t rush it and you'll succeed ;);););)
It seems a fairly straight forard sort of job, but with the usual fiddy bit entrained along with it. JH has just about covered them all, but would include the metal tank cover on the list of PITA items.
Um...... if taking the tank out make sure it is near empty! Don't ask me why I know this is a good thing to do. ;laugh
Also, replace the rubber fuel lines while you're there.
hmmm .. interesting there's no mention of the spare and cover as well ...
The best long term solution is to replace the tank with a new one. That's obviously a more expensive option and at the moment that's not appropriate. Alternatives include draining and cleaning, having a someone like JayJays in Arncliffe cut it, re coat and seal at a lower cost .... or .... placing a heavy duty magnet at the base of the tank to contain any metal filings, installing a fine, good quality filter in the fuel line and simply replacing that every few months whilst fueling up at the qrtr tank level.
It appears this prob dates back to pre Convention and I was surprised that only one of the fuel compartments in the carb was working.
Thanx for comments ...
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