Technical Tips > Pre 84

WooHoo! New rocker covers are on

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  If only money fell from the sky ;37
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Dave...He meant to say....."I'm waiting for Bob to fall from the sky again." :22
I tried to help Scott with the finer art of detailing, but he kept threatening to remove parts of my anatomy every time I touched his car. ...Didn't stop me tho....I just got up early while he slept in........every day! ;laugh

If only money did fall from the sky!!! And I know what it's like having mates help you. My brother (who is just like a mate, always has been) was helping me once. Wanted to fill the power steering up. Gave him all the appropriate equipment and oil and he still got mthe oil everywhere. Then there is my other bro , every time I get under the Corvette I see his legacy!!!!! Why I otta.

Love the covers Scotty81!

Just noticed their exactly the same as mine except in red ...

In answer to a question you posted in an earlier post ( .... the inside wasn't coated prior to install. They seep a little on one side only.

Hopefully you were advised to coat them so that it won't affect the paint.


Yeah he's done everything possible to them before installation.....whatever cost money, he did it.:22


Thanks, those look great plain as well, I just had to throw more money at it, actually I had them powdercoated so I won't have to worry about a repaint later, a friend of mine did them cheap.

Yes, I did give the insides a good coating of Glyptal before I put them on.  :)


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