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Head jobs

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I am looking at getting some new heads for my Corvette. I put the engine together some time ago with the dream of getting some decent heads later. I have wrestled with valve springs, seals and heli coils hold the spark plugs in. They leak and the motor puffs smoke occasionaly. I'm sick of 'em, I'm pretty sure the came of an Impala, so they are pretty basic stuff. The bottom end of the motor was built pretty tuff, flat top pistons at .030". I've fit a Cam Dynamics camshaft, part # 975848, it has a duration of 214 degrees (intake)and 224 degrees (exhaust) at .050". It is nothing wild, but begs for some better heads. I have my eye on some Vortec Heads which are reasonably priced, What does everyone think? :b2

Dave...Start with this article and then go to the side bars at the bottom of the page. That should give you a bit of bed time reading for a while.
Hope this helps a little

Thanks Brutus,
I'll check it out for sure, but right now the Super boiks are on telly. I know, I'll turn the telly up real loud, that way I can hear whats happening from the computer room!! :22

Dave...Are you gonna hang around for the F1s later on? Pity about Webber's 17th place on the grid tho. He was blaming Villeneuve for laying dirt over the track. Bloody typical of that wanker....not Webber.

Gotta get up at five tomorrow, F1 is a bit too late for me, I'll probably set the video on auto Tho. Weber has been doing quite well, pity they can't build cars better than the Italians! Mind you Honda is on top in the Moto GP, The Italians can't win everything (I Hope!!!).


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