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Gear reduction starter

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David- you're welcome.  From all that I have read on different forums it seems that heat is a big killer of starters no matter the size of them, one solution seems to be a remote mount solenoid, another for those who are electrically challenged like me is a heat shield if only for prevention.  Once you have a mini-starter any good repair shop should be able to repair it should it ever fail.  The big benefit is that they are easier to get installed/removed in the confined areas on our Corvettes, and a nice weight reduction.

Having had Brutus as a guest a couple times I understand that ordering parts is not cheap for you guys overseas, and shipping costs from the states borders on the insane, plus the exchange rate.  Not having been to Australia yet I don't know what you could find locally but Bob can probably give you some tips for buying parts here.  So far I have been pleased with the service from Scoggins-Dickey, another good parts house is "The Last Detail"  I can't say what anyones policy is on overseas shipping.

Bob- not all junk yards are ripoffs like the ones here in Florida, this is the state where everyone has their hand in your wallet.

Thanks Scott, one day I hope to get to USA, I have friends living there and they keep on asking me. Ever since the purchase of my Corvette money seems to come in one hand and out the other. My Corvette was a real bomb at first and what I had budgeted to convert and restore was not enough. Then the bank introduced me to credit cards, great idea but it has never quite recovered, since getting my Corvette on the road. It is not all that bad, soon it will be all better!! I have found Conell Chev to be qite good for buying parts from the USA, very prompt and trustworthy. Not all the people over here that deal in the selling of car parts are a rip off, they are providing a good service and at the end of the day they are business people just trying to make a living. But they are expensive. I reckon if I had started buying parts from the USA earlier I'd be a whole lot richer, some folk like to sell you anything here and assure it is the right bit. ;27
I know what you mean about cars electricals too, very challenging, I am an electrician and struggle myself. I have a book on restoring Corvettes and one bit I always remember is the chapter on Corvettes electrical systems, I quote "Everyone knows there is smoke in wires just trying to get out"! :22

I recently changed my starter, so I went around asking about rebuilds and exchange deals. All were over $250, being the cheap bastard that I am, I was not satisfied.  With further searching I got one for around (i forgot exactly) $180- BRAND NEW (with solenoid) from American auto parts! And apparently it was one of the less common types for chev small block (i have a 305).

Works well too.

Cheap is the way to go, but when it comes to a Corvette, i can't help but splurge. I like there to be no problems, don't like rebuilds, mechanics don't trust them. Next to electricians, they are the biggest lying cheating deceiving SOBs on earth. I should know, I am an electrician!!

Yea, well as i said i went with brand new, and it was cheaper than a rebuild, not wrong about those electricians then!

'd rather save up money for a nice paintjob, interior or engine rebuld rather than a fancy dancy chrome starter! :22


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