Technical Tips > Pre 84
Gear reduction starter
I am with you Brutus, Wouldn't it be good if decent dollars just rolled in by themselves and nasty interruptions like work didn't exist. I keep telling myself I love my job but sometimes it wears just a little too thin. Perhaps it is time to ask the boss for another pay rise!! Four Dollars aweek from the big boss is just not enough!!! :20
John - I have just had the distributor off my Corvette regraphed - picked it up today, maybe yours needs the same treatment? I'll be refitting mine tomorrow, hopefully the flood that we are experiencing in Sydney will have subsided.
David,the prob with the carb is fine mixture control leading to fluttering as the secondaries open.....mainly a prob in second and third gear...hard to fix except on a dyno..john:(
John - Hope you get it on the dyno and sort it soon. I bit the bullet and bought a gear reduction starter on the weekend, very flash indeed. Got it home and unwrapped it, sat it on my bench, must have stared at it for half an hour, thinking - Cor that is a real nice piece of work! And I still have not fit it, the old one has mysteriously started behaving. I guess it is waiting for an opportune moment, like 300 miles from home! :mmm
If you get stuck somewhere due to starter failure try this; bang it with a broom handle or give it a wack with a hammer if you can reach that far under the car without burning your arm. I had my starter go on me one day, a guy walks up and we start talking about what's wrong, he says to hold on he'll be right back, grabbed a broom from his truck and poked at the starter while I fired it up, I just stood there amazed.....I thought he was just some nut. Turns out he was a mechanic. Little tricks you never hear of.
What sort off $$$ did you end up paying Dave and where did you get it from? Brand name?
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