Technical Tips > Pre 84
larger gas tank ?
looks good mick:xcant wiat to see it in;)
How many liters?
Is it the sender unit? I still havent put the proper sender unit in mine yet ,mine reads full when only half full.
Sounds like you need a different sender.
The sender is a variable resistor that's connected to a float arm. As the level in the tank changes, so does the resistance of the sender, thereby changing the voltage or current (depending on the system) measured by the gauge.
The sender's resistance varies in proportion to the float arm's position in the tank -- that is, half full should cause half scale deflection on the meter.
You may be able to compensate with an additional resistor. Suggest you discuss this with an autosparky.
Cameron 77C3:
Spoke to Mick on the phone. It was doing this with the old sender after some dash work was done. I'm betting on the earth wire to the gauge. Without this connection you will get faulty readings.
See diagram below
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