Events > Past Event & Run History
June 17 Sun- Hawkesbury Blokes Day
Cameron 77C3:
Sunday 17 - Hawkesbury Blokes Day Hawkesbury District Hospital 10-2pm
From the organisers of this event:-
We have commenced planning for this year's Blokes' Day. As a reuslt I am once again requesting members and their corvettes to attend, to help in making this year even more successful than last year. 14 corvettes attended last year which was amazing and it is hoped that members may once again like to be involved.
Blokes'Day 2007 is to be held in the grounds of the Hawkesbury Distict Health Service (same as last year) on Sunday 17th June from 10am - 2pm.
I look forward in anticipation to hearing back from you.
Jakki Cartwright
Last year this conflicetd with our brass monkey run, so this year we have moved the dates around so everyone can go on both events.[/color]
So who's in?
edited 18/5/07
From the organisers of this event:-
We have decided to put the Corvettes in the petitioned off car park now so that your cars can be displayed a little better than last year. It will also put the Corvettes in the hub of things. This could be worthwhile mentioning to the members as it will make for much easier access for them as well.
Look forward to seeing you all again on the day.
Shane Finn:
Cameron 77C3:
Me too
Vette Obsessed:
Me three
Me four
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