Author Topic: July 1st Go Karting day at Eastern Creek  (Read 80445 times)

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Offline 72vet

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July 1st Go Karting day at Eastern Creek
« Reply #140 on: July 01, 2007, 11:35:36 PM »
Past experience tells me anyone feeling muscular aches right now might want to try goanna cream or similar right about now.  ;41[/quote]

VO can we have GO Annas number ;41
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Offline Vette Obsessed

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July 1st Go Karting day at Eastern Creek
« Reply #141 on: July 01, 2007, 11:49:30 PM »
Originally posted by 72vet
Past experience tells me anyone feeling muscular aches right now might want to try goanna cream or similar right about now.  ;41

VO can we have GO Annas number ;41[/quote]

NEVAR!!! ;41;43
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Offline VET-005

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July 1st Go Karting day at Eastern Creek
« Reply #142 on: July 02, 2007, 07:51:50 AM »
Yea guys must admit had a blast would have been nice if the officials gave us a bit more freedom and stoped BLACK FLAGING  ;45 for toughing the ripple strip but all in all was a great day.
I am feeling fine no real aches and pains even got up and went to the gym this morning at 6am.
Can't wait for the next one.;27
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Offline nifty

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July 1st Go Karting day at Eastern Creek
« Reply #143 on: July 02, 2007, 12:01:11 PM »
you need a correctly fitting seat.firm but not tight.plays a huge role in pain relief.too loose and you flop about,too tight and you use muscles that hardly ever get used.i cracked 2 rips from using a too loose seat.i will find and  scan a pic of me in my clubman,crossed up on 3 wheels at 80kph.damn i miss it.but even after racing a kart for 5 years,when i had a drive of a twin clubman,nearly identical to mine but with another engine,its a totally different animal.everything happens quicker,and the pain level rises.your forearms get a major work out.i shudder to think what a twin super is like,they run 4 wheel disc brakes,front brakes normally use a lever bit like a motorbike under the steering wheel.the clubby like most karts uses a single disc on the rear axle,twin clubby uses 2 discs on the rear.but them oh man...i went to the australian champs as a spectator...750 drivers,and constant racing....lots going on .but the supers were the ONLY class to stop everyone from what they were doing and crowd the mate had a kart that raced with them,but he only had a sinlgle 135cc engine,and cops a lighter weight than normal to try and keep up.haha not a chance.them things boggie.and V.O. he was correct,i think you need 3 yrs experience before you can APPLY for a license to drive them.

Offline Cameron 77C3

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July 1st Go Karting day at Eastern Creek
« Reply #144 on: July 02, 2007, 10:48:26 PM »

Hi gang.  Got the pics done and am now trying a new format for you to look at them here on the forum.

Click on the following pictures of the Track and BBQ and they will take you to slide shows.  Once the show downloads to your computer just click on each picture and it will take you to the next slide. Hopefully I will be able to improve on it as I go.

Go Kart Track Slide Show

Go Kart BBQ Slide Show
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Offline MADVET

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July 1st Go Karting day at Eastern Creek
« Reply #145 on: July 03, 2007, 01:08:27 AM »
What a blast, although really feeling it today. It was great meeting many of you guys and catching up with others, well worth the trip up from Canberra.(just near Fyshwick)

I would say as most of us are novices that these 13hp gokarts were fast enough.(geez did i just say that)
Sure you could always do with a bit more straight line speed  but catering for everyone as a whole, i thought
they provided plenty of thrills.

At the next gocart day i have this funny feeling that the black flags around the track will mysteriously disapear, probably taken by the black flag bandits only to be found the following day turfed behind the back fence;56

Thanks Nick and Joe for organising this event.
Also thanks for the great BBQ afterwards.;42

ps: As the old adage goes "Ya run what ya brung"

So if you brung to much weight well that's just to bad;41


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July 1st Go Karting day at Eastern Creek
« Reply #146 on: July 06, 2007, 08:04:23 AM »
what a bloody great day,slept for a week after it though.thanks to jo and nick for getting this one organised and letting the canberra guys crash(i did alot of that) the party.we had a real blast.
cheers boschvette

P.S  for those of you that thought i crash in to you,i rubbed you and rubbin's racing ;laugh.
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