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Sammut_Motorsports At The Drags PICS


Cameron 77C3:
I was talking to Sammut_Motorsports today.  He is coming to our club meet to join up tonight.  He will also have this beast at our Totally Home Bella Vista Show N Shine on March 11.  If I can get permission from Vista management we are going to fire this beast up during the day for a bit of an attraction.  If we are lucky we will have two there.

But the reason for this post is to show you all some pictures of his monster at the drags during the last Holden Vs Ford event.

Pictures are compliments of Badger Photography.. Many thanks for the loan Anne ;42

Cam ;54


--- Quote ---Originally posted by Cameron 77C3
I was talking to Sammut_Motorsports today.

Pictures are compliments of Badger Photography.. Many thanks for the loan Anne ;42

Cam ;54
--- End quote ---

Great shots of the Badger Beast...thanks Cam...;42

Cameron 77C3:
Hey Sammut_Motor sports.  Would you like a compass to find ya way around. ;56 ;56 ;56.

Inside joke.  Sorry Gang.

Cameron 77C3:
Hello fellow petrol heads.  Badger photography has been at it again, and so has Sammut-motorsports.  But this time it was junior.  Who I might add on his first trip to the track and while getting his ticket beat his old mans times.  An 8.01 I hear.  Time to hang up the helmet and pass it on boss. ;43

You can see Sammut junior doing his thing HERE

This was at the test and tune at WSID on the 10/2/07.
All the shots from Badger of the day can be seen HERE.  Thanks again for the loan guys.

Cam ;42


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