Restoration & Modification Projects > Modification Projects

Were I\'m up to

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As it has been a while since I gave you an up date. here is where it's up to

Fired the motor up a month ago. working on the the clutch pedal now, once I have that done I should be able to take it for a drive around the house.

Have to mod the bonet release cable then put the locks back in. Its hard to open the bonet when it locks and there is no cable, only happened once.

And I need to adjust the hand brake, no need for the brick then.

It's getting there slowly
Keep you posted

Doing well jp leaps and bounds ahead of me, nice colour thats the holden colour you where talking about isn't it, I like it what code is it.

the colour is gorgeouse,did you paint it yourself?;42

It's a Nissan pulsa blue. I thought about painting it, I had never painted 2 pack and had no booth, so a guy at narellan did it for me. I'm rapped with the color also, when it's finished He wants me to take it back so he can cut it back and buff it. The finish is straight iot of the gun and it,s great.
Small things to finish of under the bonnet then to start on the inside.

Cameron 77C3:
Well done James.  She's coming along quite nicely.

You think your going to loose the brick when you adjust the hand brake cable. ;56

Remember, it's a C3. ;43

On a side note, why don't ya pop up to our Totally Homes Bella Vista Show 'N' Shine on March 11 and say hi.

Cam ;42


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