Events > Past Event & Run History

January 13th COLAC (vic) show PICTURES

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Was pretty good. I got a bit too sunburnt though!

I can't remember how many cars they said were there, about 500 approx.

Maybe someone else will correct me on that.

Thunder Kiss:

--- Quote ---Originally posted by demonx
Was pretty good. I got a bit too sunburnt though!
--- End quote ---

At least you got a BIT too sunburt!  I look like a lobster right now.
It was a good day, our Corvette convoy of well over 20 cars got there too late so we didn't get a great spot to display our vehicles.  We'll have to leave an hour earlier next year.


--- Quote ---Originally posted by Thunder Kiss  I look like a lobster right now.
--- End quote ---

When I got home I could feel the burn - I rubbed tattoo cream (awesome for sunburn) all over my arms, neck and legs.

Took the sting out straight away and the next day it had browned.

If I hadn't have used the cream I'd be winging and whining and walking like a robot lobster myself.


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