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Thunder Kiss:
700 works for me.
I think you will find the width of a user's avatar also affects this.  When you, jolinari and a few others participate in a thread, your 197 and 200 wide avatars cut down the width availabe for photos.

In other words, if you limit avatars to 150 wide then you can allow for 750 wide photos, or 200 wide avatars allow for 700 wide photos.

Having said all that, I'm happy with the 200 + 700 format.

Cameron 77C3:
I had noticed that but I didn't want to have to go and check everyones avata at the moment.  Once I get this right I can then go check that as a sepaerate clean up and if I fix it it's a simple matter to change the pics.  I just want to get a unified starting point.

Good man for going that extra step.  All info helps.

Many Thanks


--- Quote ---Originally posted by Cameron 77C3
So joe, when ya look at the pics on your computer screen, not your hand pilot, the 700 fits best without you scrolling from left to right?  
--- End quote ---

yep but apparently evryone is happy with the 700

damn my screen must be really screwed up...even the 640 is too

Cameron 77C3:
Damm.  What you got your settings at in your computer control panel?  I have mine down as low as 800 x 600 with a 17"monitor and 640 fits.


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