Restoration & Modification Projects > Restoration Projects

Almost there...

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ok. It's a 1970 454 manual. It didn't come with that hood I changed it as part of the restoration - the original was a little too boring for me. The car's been in the shop for many years now and it should finally be ready by xmas. I've also got a brand new interior (black) that's ready to be installed when the paint work is done.

not sure what's in the background. The guy who's painting it has all sorts of old tanks in his worshop...

The vehicle in the back ground is a 1958 plymoth bellvedeer;27
And  blackflags will probably be one of the best 1970 B/B manual roadsters around :24
Hopefully he will be at the AA day in January at Castle Hill;42

WHOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO another environmentaly UN-friendly BB!!!!
Have you made cutouts through the bonnet on the modification or are they fake like the originals?

Chromie would be the best person to answer that bonet question...


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