Author Topic: \"C5-8.1L transplant\";"1045805915  (Read 21240 times)

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Offline Vette Obsessed

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\"C5-8.1L transplant\";"1045805915
« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2003, 11:49:26 AM »
Originally posted by rebel
Whilst on the subject of dropping power like this, I noticed in the current Unique Cars a Victorian vette for sale that reads "used to be a big block now a 350cid" .... I'm not being critical but why would anyone want to change a big block 4 speed to a small block 4 speed ?

Just guessing but I would assume one of two things - number one being most likely:
1.  The big block motor died and it was more economical to install a replacement small black than repair/replace the big block.
2.  The owner thought the big block was too heavy, thirsty, more than they needed/whatever and dropped in the small block instead.
Thats my theory, the current owner could probably set the story straight on that one.
"Life's tough.  It's tougher when you're stupid"

Offline rebel

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\"C5-8.1L transplant\";"1045805915
« Reply #21 on: February 22, 2003, 11:11:54 PM »
yeah, No 1 had crossed my mind but the drop in power AND moving away from the original design would force me to put off restoration until I could afford it. I dunno there's probably a good reason and maybe a previous owner did it.

I'm feeling adventurous, I'm gonna ring him and ask him .... he's probably a member of the Vic Corvette club so wouldn't mind a chat about his vette.