Restoration & Modification Projects > Restoration Projects

Sure looks that way to me.

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77CVT, every female I spoke to about was more then happy and mentioned the professional and creative way that it was handled. It wasn't females ... them I understand ;laugh


--- Quote ---[ It wasn't females ... them I understand ;laugh
--- End quote ---

You actually UNDERSTAND them!? :b4

the  only  answer  to a  females  question  after  being  married 21  years  is  "  yes  darling,  what  ever  you  say  darling,  how  much  darling,  you  use  your  own  judjement  darling

happy.happy.  heared that  i  will  be  getting  all  the  log  books  and  info  on  my  new  black  beauty(88  convertable)  sometime  this  week.  seems  she  is  a  florida  purchased  car,  one  owner  15,000  miles  ;););););)


--- Quote ---You actually UNDERSTAND them!?
--- End quote ---
.... I guess that was a bit of a strong statement. I don't think any man can honestly say that. They're not so different to us and similar rules apply so let's just say I found a way to communicate .... :b2;laugh

JH=> post us picks of blackey ...


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