Events > Past Event & Run History
Nov 12 Joint Run With XU1 Club C115
Hey Cam,
Looks like we have 9 vettes going to this event so far (weather permitting)... otherwise its shopping trolleys...:24
Cameron 77C3:
Well no rest for the wicked.
This one is on this weekend folks. Sunday 12th Nov.
Please confirm by contacting Michael on 0405 331 133
And for those who are out west way, we also have our Western breakfast run - CO102 at Windsor on the same day. See our club event section for more details.
I'll be with the XU1 lads to stretch PRISCILLA'S legs a little.
well cam it's like this;mmm
I have good news and bad news for ya;30
Good news is I'll be going;27
Bad news is I'll be pointing out all the faults on ya corvette too;48
Cameron 77C3:
Well there goes the neighbourhood. LOL!!
Don't forget if the weather is bad the run is off and just shopping trollies to Appin Pub for lunch.
Thankss for the above Cam, ;42
We now have a confirmed booking for 20 persons at the Appin Hotel... and can add a few here and there.
I have just been speaking with the Secretary of the XU-1 Club and theyre looking forward to a combined trip. ;46
So far the weather looks enticing... fingers crossed. :}
Oh.. if the weather is bad, I have been advised the run is still on ;27 for those who want to do the scenic run, or you can meet us at the Appin Hotel around 11am.
Cheers. Looking forward to seeing everyone. ;)
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