Events > Past Event & Run History

Nov 12 Joint Run With XU1 Club C115

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--- Quote ---Originally posted by Chromie
Count me in even if my ZR-1 is unable to go I'll take my 1980 vette.
Do you have meeting times yet and where we will be meeting up?
what happens if it is raining:}:v
Hope that the XU1 club knows that they will be "green" with envy with all of us Corvettes around;41;41;41
--- End quote ---

Hello Chromie,

The times are as follows;

"The proposal is to meet at the Club House at Greenacre, at ( ie: the Grey Hound Club) at 8.00am with a 8.30am departure. Both Clubs to meet at same place."


Oh.. if its raining, its still on, we all meet at Appin Hotel but just bring the shopping trolley.

The purpose of this event is to meet up with the guys from the XU1 club, exchange storys and enjoy the day.



Thats terrific news.... its going to be a beauty of a day... fingers crossed on the weather!  


Cameron 77C3:

--- Quote ---Originally posted by 69 DIRTY RAT
any LH's and LX's coming? I'm a sucker for a drop tank!
--- End quote ---

Now you play nice if ya go 69DR.  That beast of yours might scare them away.;39


--- Quote ---Originally posted by Cameron 77C3

--- Quote ---Originally posted by 69 DIRTY RAT
any LH's and LX's coming? I'm a sucker for a drop tank!
--- End quote ---

Now you play nice if ya go 69DR.  That beast of yours might scare them away.;39
--- End quote ---

His lucky my friend isnt bringing out his 600+ HP LC torana that pulls flat 10's... (without Nos) !!

Now thats one scary little number.


Bump Bump :23

Don't forget people, i need numbers to confirm reservations for the Appin Hotel on the day.  So if you havent RSVP as yet, please do on this thread or call me on 0405 331133. :23



Oh.... do we have any other big blocks comming, other than Smokem! ;31


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