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Billyray\'s Vette Poll

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Cameron 77C3:
There is another thread running here on Billyray's old vette. CLICK ME to have a read.

He asked a question in there so we thought we could have some fun with a pole.

To have your voted registered so it shows up in the bar graph, Please vote in the section at the top of this post.

The questions is:-

"It would be interesting to see how many people on this forum like the car"

a) As it is now (jaw dropping show car) or
b) As it was when I owned it (fawn beige/red weekender) or
c) Red on red basher when Jimmy owned it.








Cameron 77C3:
Billyray you have a U2U.


As it is now, the car looks FAT with big wheels filling out the guards.  Engine bay - two thumbs up!  Little custom touches like the glove-box, petrol filler door, cowl vent removal, vents in the engine bay, C4 running gear, all make for a killer kustom that probably drives and handles 100% better than before.  I like it, I like it a LOT.  But I still prefer the original fawn/red colour combo.  A lot of people preferred it as a red/red car.

I've been waiting to see this car for 2 years!  Mr are out of control!  ;-)


What an interesting background.  This really beautifull machine is a credit to its previous and now current owners who have really put their dream into reality.

And yes alot of credit should also be given to the craftsman & women involved with the transformation into a princess... im assuming its a girl, cause shes very very nice.

This car is definatley an eye opener and a jaw dropper and most of all a really gorgeous and very inspiring car.

Congratulations on the terrific Job! ;27



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