Technical Tips > Pre 84

That figures.


Hi all,

A while back someone asked about the old "crossfire" distributor cap and where to purchase one.  Well, since then I could not locate the company that made them as I think they went out of business.  This cap allowed you to cleanly run your plug wires from one side of the cap to the same side of the engine, getting rid of the messy wire situation.

The good news is they are now available again, bad news is I lost the persons email when my old laptop died.....may it rest in peace.

Summit here in the states now has them in tan, blue, red and black.  Sorry Bob, no yellow listed.

part number ACC-8138 tan
part number ACC-8138B  blue
part number ACC-8138R  red
part number ACC-8138B  black

Whoever it was that wanted this I hope you see this post!


After we went to all that trouble putting new leads on the 64 at your place before shipping it over here.:b2

Vette Obsessed:
For what its worth, my vague recollection was that they were originally sold by "Madson Crossfire Distributors" or something like that.

Nice find Scott. ;42

Thanks.  ;42


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