Restoration & Modification Projects > Restoration Projects
numbers in the hood
;33guys,just stripped the paint from underside of my hood and came across these numbers stamped in the glass 01989 01 11 12357 any idea what they mean?
part # for your hood should be 3996864 . not sure of that #
mmmm yes i agree with that part number but is that part number stamped in the hood?could these numbers mean something else?either repro or date lines or some thing to that nature?:grr
MadLt1 as far as i am concerned...this number is not recognized or known to he NCRS...when i judged the lt1 71 vette @ melbourne...we did not have any notes on the hood apart the condition of it which it was part of the exterior judging!:pinki
after i piant the hood these numbers are so fine they will be lost again so i will just record them in my folder for future reference.......while on the subject of ncrs,that was an interesting read how they do not check the numbers on the gearbox or diffs because it was to hard to get to,one would think the credibility of the drive trian would be of upmost importance.......what are your thoughts?
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