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What's going on with the forum posts?

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If there are others like myself and I beleive there are, when I come on the site I click on TODAYS POSTS  to see what the latest feedback on posts are ,and even feedback on posts I my self may have made only to find they have been pushed back 3 or 4 pages by girly picks (all being very nice picks ) but I think most people who would like to use todays post as a shortcut to recent posts, would rather not be swamped by these ones .;) And the idea of restoring lost threads is great but usualy  the girly threads get looked at by most people once and they move on, so to restore them may only be for a small minority .

It was a "once only" thing with Jolinari trying to replace the missing threads.
Normal service has resumed (I hope)


--- Quote ---Originally posted by RHD.68.l89
It was a "once only" thing with Jolinari trying to replace the missing threads.
Normal service has resumed (I hope)
--- End quote ---

All good guys....I agree with RHD

As for the others...please make an effort to post few things from now and then....

Cameron 77C3:
Hi guys.

I'm back.

Ok.  There are three problems here.

One, as pointed out earlier, is that many people use the "today’s post" option.  If there has been allot of posts in one section then all other post's are knocked off the screen.

Secondly.  While I appreciate that people are trying to help, but please leave data restoration to Peter P and us mods.  We have access to system tools to do things that do not effect the counters on the system.  

Thirdly, the babes section is a MINOR part of this forum not a MAJOR part.    What I don't want happening is that it is turned into the main feature of this forum.  The main feature of the forum is Corvettes.  Please keep post counts per day down in the babes to a reasonable level so as to not pull the "today’s post" counter down.

Please respect other users of the forum

Cam.  Forum Moderator

Let me start by saying, when the forum first started. It was informative and enjoyable read and even a good laugh.
About 18 months ago, when there was a change in control of the forum, it’s gone down hill quickly, to a point the where I seldom wast my time reading the entries.
Mr jolinari, like others on the forum believe they must answer every response that goes in, most of the time, not with something constructive, that adds to the discussion, but with stupid pictures.
I truly believe Mr Jolinari is trying to help, but, we are a CLUB, the club pays money for the forum, if the club is not happy with the forum, because of the information being displayed, then club has the right to either change it or close it.
By the way, I’m an animal lover and don’t appreciate, the cat.



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