Author Topic: Ecklers  (Read 6166 times)

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Offline Cameron 77C3

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« on: March 24, 2006, 12:20:17 AM »
G'day lads.  I spoke to Debby at ecklers about the problems a couple of you chaps have had.

In relation to shipping:-

Debby informs me that they have no control over the shipping cost.  It is all done by external couriers.

On this note guys the minimum charge you will get on a LARGE item, say door trim panels, is going to be around the $200 mark.  I know this from experience.  It's what they call the "Minimum Charge"  that you will pay on a bulcky item.  Even if it was small but to big for UPS or FED EX it's going to cost you a minimum of around $200.  [Figures based on using Bax Global]  Ecklers have an account with Bax Global.

I have imported just about everything for my Vette, from radiator support frames, to window mechs, to brake calipers.  I have pretty well got the system down to a fine art.  

If any one needs assistance with bringing goods in I'm more than happy to guide you through the steps to ensure you get your goods on time and not pay too much freight.  

In relation to e-mail not being returned

This one concerned Debby the most.  First she asked me to apologise to any one who's e-mail's have not been replied to.  She asked me to please explain that there is her, Linda and one other assistant that handle ALL of the overseas orders.  All the e-mails that are sent end up on Debby''s computer.  About 100 per day she informs me. Her advise was that if you do not get a reply to any of your e-mails within 24 hours to PLEASE fax her on:-

FAX:-0011 1 321 383 2059

The fax machine is right behind her desk.

Remember when ordering it is always best to do it on the phone and always quote our account number to get the discount.  Now while I'm on that.  There is a glitch in the system.  When you quote the clubs discount number the system automatically brings up NSW Corvettes.  You have to tell the girls to make sure that they change it to your name that appears on your credit card.  If you do not the system will use your credit card number but "NSW Corvettes" as the name and it will be rejected.  This will happen AFTER you have made your call and you won't know till much later.  I always double check ALL the details before I finish my call and get the girls to read it back to me.  Our accents some times throw them off.

Contact phone number for Ecklers:- 0011 1 321 269 9680

Debby's ext is 407 and is available from 7am to 5pm their time

Linda's ext is 480  and is available from 9am to 6pm their time.

Technical is Justin on ext 310. 9am to 5pm

Time difference.  9.00pm our time is 7.00am their time  at this time of the year. [3/4/06]

In closing, I know from experience that when dealing with overseas companies that it can be quite frustrating.  Their customs and business dealing practises can differ from what we are use to here.  But with a little patience and learning about their quirks you can usually get a good result.

Hope this helps.  

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Offline jolinari

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« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2006, 12:22:29 AM »

Offline RHD.68.l89

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« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2006, 12:43:29 AM »
Do they still charge the $20 International Handling Fee? I stopped using them when a $20 US part ended up costing over $80 Aus landed.And that was when the dollar still had some value.;27;27;27

Offline Cameron 77C3

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« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2006, 12:50:12 AM »
I'm calling her back in about 1 hours time.  I'll check for you and report back here.
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Never underestimate PRISCILLA queen of the vette's

Offline Cameron 77C3

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« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2006, 02:21:31 AM »
Originally posted by RHD.68.l89
Do they still charge the $20 International Handling Fee? I stopped using them when a $20 US part ended up costing over $80 Aus landed.And that was when the dollar still had some value.;27;27;27

No they do not.  I have a feeling that it is a fee that the banks are charging.  She said that she has had a few questions exactly about that and says it is definetly not coming from Ecklers.  I'll check with the banks tomorrow and report back.

Cam :v

The banks do charge an overseas transaction fee I found out today.. 24/03/06

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Offline RHD.68.l89

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« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2006, 08:43:04 AM »
No, it was definitely Ecklers and it was probably Pre Debby. Haven't bought anything from them in over 10 years because they used to charge this fee when every one else just charged exact costs. They were the only ones with the part I required and it was the first and only time I bought anything from them.
If they have fallen in line with the rest of the vendors I might try them again but I currently use Connell when I need something.

Offline reserved

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« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2006, 04:44:26 PM »
I am new to this importing small packages, so the following could be a load of crap but I believe it to be factual.
Ecklers do not seem to like sending goods by the postal service. But they have the best range of parts I've seen to date and the club members get a good discount.
I have just ordered some parts including an exhaust manifold, which if sent USPS surface mail would cost around $60 in freight, surface mail is OK I'm in no hurry and 6weeks delivery is fine. I cann't wait to find out the actual cost is going to be.
Using USPS the weight limit is 22KG and typical box sizes could be 400x400x400mm or
1000X300x200mm or 600x500x200mm or 800x500x100mm almost(but not quite) door trim panel size and costing probably $30.These sizes are quite generious and would be big enough for most requirements.
The maximum allowable size of the package using USPS dimensions is found using the formula girth + length=2000mm.
I will be pushing for all my future deliveries to be sent by USPS surface mail. Unless I require the parts in a hurry.
