Technical Tips > Pre 84

82 Seats Won't Unlock

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Greg Brown:
How do you get the seats in an 82 to unlock?  What is the "easy" quick fix, if any?

is it the top or the bottom stuck

Greg Brown:
The top won't bend forward to allow access to rear area.  I was told a while ago there is a lock inside the hinge that prevents the seatbacks from coming forward in the event of an accident.  My seats are locked and I can not find the "white plastic pin" to release the seats.  Is that any help?

I was also told you could stick a small screwdriver in the hinge to release them but I can't see where this takes place.

Thank you for offer your advice, it is greatly appreciated.

Cameron 77C3:
How did you go Greg?

Greg Brown:
Still have not figured it out.  Maybe the Collector Edition seats won't lean forward because the rear hatch lifts up?  Anybody have any other thoughts?


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