Technical Tips > Pre 84

Would you bother repairing this?

(1/2) > >>

This was the tail piece that came as a "spare" when I bought my car over 3 years ago. I had a cunning plan!

Progress pics to follow.

Looks pretty challenging .... In answer to your question - nup! I'd get a new one and be done with it.

Here is the direction I started off on firstly after I got done with the basic repairs. You can see how I've altered the shape of the spoiler and lowered the LH section as well. This was my first excursion into fibreglassing so I had to feel my way around while still trying to achieve my ideas.

As you can see it was more than superficial damage.:o

and all the cracks (gaping holes ;ay) had to be braced and aligned before going any further.

Then the fun part began!

No....but you probably would! :P:P

But you never really learn how to do something unless you give it a go yourself.


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