Technical Tips > Pre 84

help on my horn

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I had a problem with my '77, except the horn was always on.  There is 1 wire that connects to the bit where the spring and plunger sits.  When you pro\ess the centre cap it must complete the circuit on the ring in the top left of the pic and sound the horn.

I never figured out how to fix it!  :b2  Good luck!

mate i have tried many times and no on monday will b taking it to the auto is not as easy...could b anything especially u havent got the tools...ur limited with tests

Cameron 77C3:
Did ya fix the horn?

If not I can help ya out.  Just completing a complete rewire on the 77.  Pretty well know all the in and outs of her nervius system now.

PS:- Yyour horn button earths out the feed to the horn relay.  In most cases all relays have active to their coil and any switches ground out the other side.  The horn wire runs down the steering column in the rainbow ribbon.  It in turn terminates at a mouth organ connector on the side of the steering column.  It's a simple matter of unplugging the mouth oran connector and checking the circuit there.

Did the horn always work?  Did it just stop?  Some history if you already have not fixed it.  

hey Cam...
this morning i was supposed to take it to the elctrician cos simply i am not techy person....but the weather was so bad  so i have decided to postpone it...
i really appreciate your offer and i simply cant refuse it...if that means driving the car to a suitable place at your request  i am willing to do so.
u just let me know Cam.... i am also willing to pay u the favor back;38

let me know what u think...

oh and the history of the was not working wen i bought the car...but previous owner rekons it worked...mmm...;-)

Cameron 77C3:
No problem.  My vette is at my factory at Ingleburn, near Campbelltown.  That's where I have all my tools so there would be a good spot.  Pretty well any time as I'm always there, except this sunday the 22nd Jan, going to Castle Hill to have a sticky beak.

I'll e-mail my phone numbers.  



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