Author Topic: RATTLE FROM HEADLIGHTS.  (Read 9177 times)

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Offline George80ONE

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« on: June 04, 2005, 03:28:51 PM »
Hi Everyone.
I have an annoying rattle at the front of my '81. It seems to be at the LH side. When driving over rough roads, I can easily hear it inside. I think it might be coming from the headlight. With the headlights down, when I tap on the LH headlight, it doesn't seem firm and there is movement up and down at the front edge. If I tap on the RH one, it is firm and there isn't any movement at all.
Any thoughts?

Offline Cameron 77C3

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« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2005, 08:39:44 PM »
If the set up on an 81 is the same as on my 77 I would say that your down stop bolt is out of adjustment.

First:-  To check that it is not a bearing or other majour mounting, put you lights up and make sure that the right and left side are as firm as each other.  If not, go looking at all your mounts and bearings on the head light mechs.  If all is well in the up position then I think you will find it is your down stop being out of adjustment and your vaccuum actuator is bottoming out and therefore the light is not hitting up against a firm STOP.  Does the light sit flush in the down position or is it a bit low? [while the lights are up check to see that all the springs are in place.  There  should be four of them.  Two for up and two for down]

It's a bit hard to explain without a picture.  I have e-mailed you a couple of pictures.  [Hope your on broadband.  Sorry if your not]

If you can get under the car and look at the left and right light mechs in the down position you can see what bolt adjust what.

Don't forget this is for a 77.  Don't know if they kept it the same on your model but I think they did.
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Offline smackc4

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« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2006, 08:11:30 PM »
Originally posted by George80ONE
Any thoughts?

Yes; Dont tap your headlight! (Sorry - you left yourself wide-open for that one!!!) ;41
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