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I want one!

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Now I'm not sure if this bloke's havin' us on or not but check this link to see how he's used a Witches Hat (what the US call traffic cones) to create an air coupler from the air filter housing to the 58mm throttle body.

Brutus => You'll especially love this one ... if you're interested in the engineering, the cone is aparently bigger then the stock MAF so slips right over the OEM assembly ..... yeah but it's a Witches Hat fro crying out loud !! <-scroll to the bottom for the pics.


I haven't been over to the CAC for a while and look what I missed!
You have to love their thinking don't ya? I'm looking for something to do that very same job, but I think I'll have to pass on the witch's hat idea.
Do they come in yellow?;ay


--- Quote ---Originally posted by Brutus
I haven't been over to the CAC for a while and look what I missed!

--- End quote ---

No worries mate, it's my job to look out for ya .... and uh, yes, witches hat's do come in yellow .... :b4

I can't see the point in having the entry point 2 inches across going to 4 inches.  :b4

Airflow would actually slow down wouldn't it????

Chris...That's right.......the sheer physics of his design are all arse about.;ay


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