Technical Tips > Electrical-Electronics-Air-Lighting-Guages-Security-Vacuum
tail light out of a C4
Vette Obsessed:
Hi JH, I was talking to Johnny S the other night and he mentioned your car and how nice it is. Can't wait to see it up close.
I'd be careful about steam cleaning your engine bay. I'd also be careful about using certain types of degreasers on the rocker covers and intake. The intake should be okay but some degreasers can kill the finish on the paint on your rocker covers and help turn them a nice shade of brown...
Have fun in Canada, I'd love to get over there one day, I've met lots of nice people from over there...
OK, it started 2.30pm sunday arvo,power out,long nights,warm beer, sucky sucky suck suck, got the power back 10.30 am thursday, have found a whole new way of showering with a big pot of hot water ,flannel and soap,very japanesey......... but thanks for the info from VO ( always Mr good advice)and the ever present BOB (I hope its as clean as his in the end , good mate) after the week I've had its so nice to see lights and looking forward to a good long shower ;););););););0
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