I gave a copy of it to the Pres. of the club for members to access.
Basically if your goods are COMPLETELY made in the USA you do not have to pay duty. The new rules say that we, the importer, have to fill out a stat dec declaring this is so. Remember the responsibility is on us now to prove that they are completely USA. If you are found in error......look out.
I have a copy on my computer at home if you cant get it off Gary.
Copy from my records:-
Rob Shearman
Module Leader/ Customs Broker-NSW
tel(02)9598 9817
I (insert your name here)…………………………………… for and on behalf of the NSW Corvettes Car Club Inc. hereby declare that the goods relating to HAWB number (insert tracking number here. You get this from your supplier once goods are despatched)…………………………... Comply with the “Australian – USA Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA), based on the rules of origin” stated in the Australian Customs Notice no 2004/39 and these goods meet one of the below criteria .
Wholly obtained or produced entirely in the USA
Produced entirely in the USA or in Australia exclusively from originating materials.
Produced in the USA or in the USA and Australia exclusively from originating materials or a combination of non-originating materials (Excluding Clothing and Textiles).
Chemicals, Plastics or Rubber.
Clothing and textiles, produced entirely in the USA and Australia from non-originating materials.
Signed……………………. Date……………………….
Ingleburn NSW 2565
Ph ……………………
Fax …………………….
Remember, you only use this form if the parts fit the above criteria.
Gazza, it may be worth printing it up in the club mag?.