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PCV stuff

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What does the PCV system look like on your vettes? My air filter and rocker covers are not original and I have a tube running straight from myPCV valve into my carby, now on most cars iv'e seen (including my Niki) theres is like a metal shavings filter between the rocker cover and carby that traps airborne oil particles which collects and eventually drips back down into the rocker cover.

I think I need a filter like this to minimise my carbon diposit problem on the plugs. One thats slots into where the PCV valve is now. My question is do I really need that valve? Why is it there? I hav'nt seen one on other cars... unless im not looking properly.


Adam...The general consus is that it's better to leave the PCV valve in place. The inlet vacuum draws crankcase vapours from the guts of the motor through the PCV valve which prevents any build up of these sometimes volitile gases. For this system to work at peak efficiency it's also necessary for the opposite rocker cover breather to be clean and free of build up to allow a flow of clean air through the motor and thus preventing a possible vacuum inside the engine.

Yeh, I dont want to get rid of the PCV system, just filter those gases that are going into my carby. It's an old engine and its likely those gasses are  chock full of bad stuff...


You could always build one of these....




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