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--- Quote ---Originally posted by mick
Hi all,
          As my car gets closer to being ready I am getting a storage shed organised for my vette (xmas). I have been intending to tile the floor to stop ground water for seeping up through the slab and getting suface rust on my new side pipes, chrome bumpers etc.

 Before I spend the $'s to do this just hoping to hear some feed back of what other people have done to protect there car from surface rust.

Also looking at putting in small a dehumidifier is it worth the dollars as well ?

--- End quote ---
Sounds like a serious setup you are planning Mick! Unless your garage is completely air tight i'm not sure how effective a dehumidifier would be.... But then again i've heard of people storing collectible cars in sealed dehumidified and climate controlled rooms for many years....

How about a bunch of those moisture bags you get in medicine bottles?  You'd need about 1000 of the little ones but you can get bigger ones as well.  

They may be better for the inside of the car though.

Carpet on the floor????

Thunder Kiss:
That all sounds good mick, but I doubt the extent to which a $300 dehumidifier could dry out air in a large area such as a garage, if you go this way make sure it has the capacity to do the job.  If your house has ducted heating and air conditioning I would look into having an extra duct or two run into the garage.
If you decide on tiles, make sure the grout is a dark color, that way when there's a fluid spill the stained grout wont be as obvious.

I would do it like this bloke, if i had the money.......:mmm

serious setup garage

The other option is to buy one of those big drive in/zip up plastic bag things you see in the US, you can get them here as well. They blow up with a little air compressor then then take out the moisture .It has evrything you want in a bubble of plastic! They are very good! But are really for long term storage, but its easy to use so who is to say you cant do it every week?


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