Technical Tips > Pre 84
Completed Trailing Arms.
Oh yeah... forgot to mention mine is a Davies Craig aswell. worth the extra $. when you fit it make sure you test its direction before a drive... The Davies Craig instructions say its factory set as a supplementary fan ie front mounted. as a primary fan which is what you want, it says to pull the fan off its motor and reverse it, aswell as reversing the polarity of the wires... i did this and when i nearly cooked her i checked and i had a nice hot breeze blowing forward.... so just do one. I'm sure its a typo. Anyway thats prob a bit off for you yet, but as long as you remember to check which way she blows before she's on the road you will be sweet.
Davies Craig are highly over rated IMHO. Compare the draw and flow rate compared to others and you will be surprised! I have a set of ICE fans at home and they flow better and draw less than DC.
Having said that, many are happy with DC.
I'm running twin Flex_a _Lite fans with their own thermostat system and have had no problem with them in either cooling or fitment. Plus they cover the entire radiator area competely and consequently need no further flow limiting devices such as foam strips not that most C3s ever did at least over here.
--- Quote ---Originally posted by Brutus
I'm running twin Flex_a _Lite fans with their own thermostat system and have had no problem with them in either cooling or fitment. Plus they cover the entire radiator area competely and consequently need no further flow limiting devices such as foam strips not that most C3s ever did at least over here.
--- End quote ---
I left out that i don't have any seals or shrouding on the rad,just the fan behind and the the 2 smaller rads in front,one for the oil and the other for the is a big rad and it works brilliantly.......john;28
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