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Converting the vette

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--- Quote ---Originally posted by MADVET

--- Quote ---Originally posted by MJ427
your going to jail :22
--- End quote ---
....And while you're there you might meet a nice fellow by the name of Ben dOver who would explain all the ins and outs of the place;35
--- End quote ---

haha, funny bastards

sorry i'm just having crazy ideas because i wanna drive my vette dammit! and no vette owner has come forward from NT and offered up their services... :(

Seriously though Mattrix if you are really that keen on driving your car LHD then why dont you go over to WA or NT and rent out a unit or townhouse for 6 months.
Then armed with a copy of your lease agreement go down to the RTA and transfer your drivers license over to your new address. Bingo you've just become a new resident. Then simply truck your vette over there and get it rego'd LHD. You never know you might like it over there and might find a job in your field of work and stay for a while.
I know there are plenty of LHD C3 and C4 Corvettes, Camaros and Firebirds cruising the streets of Perth, quite a few LHD Porsches and Mercs cruising around there as well.
If all that is to hard you could simply truck/trailer the car to a race track on a track day just to give you the occasional fix behind the wheel. The great thing about taking it to the track is that you can give it a canning if you want to.
Another option is to sell the car and buy one that is already rego'd.

Thunder Kiss:
Do the NSW RTA have 28 day permits?

wouldn't have a clue, thunderkiss. never heard anything about it...

For some reason I thought that WA was out of the question... I checked out the rego website and got the impression that it couldn't be done over there, or that NT was going to be easier than WA... I'll look the site up again, if I found the right regulation documents before I'm sure I can find them again. And yeah I've been to perth before and didn't mind it so much. all the appeal of a city without being too big, and housing prices are way better than on the east coast.


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