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Converting the vette

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well I did a crazy thing, I put a deposit on that car. And it looks like I'm going to america for a few months in about 4 weeks time, so I'll probably drive it for a while over there (i'm getting free rego and i don't have to pay sales tax!) and then bring it back.
which leads me to... private importing. How long do i need to own it and drive it over there before I can call it a private import, and does this save me GST + Duty or...?


I think its about 18 months living there & rego proof from DMV (RTA) !! so unless you live in New Zealand where its only 1 month then you will still have to pay GST & Duty (duty??).
 Mattrix....while your over there get as much done to it as possible (if it needs it),cause  they have the experience to do repairs properly,and its cheaper for parts cause you dont have to pay for export & GST.

very true, thanks for the advice. Will see what I can do.
18 months, crazy. I'll look into it some more. Won't be able to register it until 2008 so I don't mind keeping it there for longer if I have to...


.. there is a note on the BENCH RACING section of the site this morning relating to a special government study permit for LHD cars... .. might be worth acting on if you very  very quick....

Nice one :P
it's called an April Fools joke. Though I did get quite excited about it. never mind then...



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