The up coming Shannons Day for us has been cancelled.
It appears that overall display numbers were reduced by 100. (Due to construction works)
CMC then reduced clubs to no more than 20 sites each. (We usually buy 30)
Even after eight (8) or so eMail requests for our inclusion in the event, we recieved no replies.
The Secretary, even though in Italy, was still eMailing CMC, only now to be told we are too late and have missed out.
Therefore, I'm sorry to advise those members who look forward to this event, that we won't be attending this year.
In fact looking back, I can't see much in the way of correspondence etc, and this includes invoicing, which I would assume would be normally punctually forthcoming from any efficient organization. But before my blood pressure gets too high, I would expect we should make a concerted effort to attend the next CMC meeting and see what we see.