Technical Tips > Post 84
C4 1987 Overheating.
Pic of the three fusible links (E, D & H)
The red lead at lower left is the power into the split. The upper lead is fusible link "H".
The two orange wires are "D & E" (move pic across) these WERE both sealed in the 20 slug, one had parted and whilst getting this out the other link also broke away. Which means that in normal wear & tear, this second link which feeds the "Aux Coolant Fan" would have broken and because we never see or hear the Aux fan run, we therefore would be none the wiser untill the catastrophic end.
So now to knock up an identical replacement. Oh! The 20 slug to the best of my knowledge means 20 gauge not 20 amps as I first thought.
OK! Xmas is over, back to those fuzes.
As mentioned I rec'd several lengths of 20g fusible link wire.
This has now been refashioned into the pic below.
The two new links are for the D and E feeds to the Main Fan & Aux Fan respectively (rad coolant fans)
The other black plug is for the H feed covering Fuel pump, ECM, Mass burn off etc etc.
The pic shows the barrel crimp in the centre, two grey 20g (D&E) feeds, the red H feed and the green supply feed in.
The black shrinky dink not yet in place.
This pic is the finished product.
Now to refit and hopefully all will go well.
I had one defective on my c4 I just fitted a weatherproof fuse holder and blade fuse from Jaycar from memory it was for abs pump. Good work Doug for persevering to get it right
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