Jaggers, how's it hanging ! (Plus - Attention all attending members)
How are things up there ? We may have issues with the weekend.
1. The booking starts on the 15th.
2. Glady's may not open till the 18th.
3. Many still want to go - like me they are fed up being at home.
SO!..... what to do.
1. Hope Glady's opens NSW earlier. (I would not hold my breath)
2. Cancel. (This option will cause NSW homicide cases to increase drastically)
3. Move our booking along a week or three ??.
Either way we need to decide quickly, as indications are that people want hols and will fill all available bookings.
Some Ole Farts have indicated they could just sit, swim, sip and nibble by the pool, if no special events are on at the new dates.
I actually look forward to bacon & egg sarnies at the dam in the howling gale & torential rain - 3 yrs in a row its now a tradition.
.ie I suggested we could hire a couple a pool attendants to strut around the pool, filling drinks.
Please let us know your thoughts ASAP- B will ring hotel tomorrow and look at avail dates.
If we leave it too long - we will miss out.
Members NOW is the time for your thoughts - let forum or Jaggers know asap.
Jaggers I no longer have Facebook access, so you may want to go on Fb and reach those not on this forum.