Technical Tips > Electrical-Electronics-Air-Lighting-Guages-Security-Vacuum

Headlight gremlins 70s c3

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Well ! Mr. Old Guy, please let us know what you found.

Old guy:
Hi, haven't had the energy to look at it as it's again going to be a mammoth task (hence I was hoping hugely I could just switch those 2 hoses around). Now I'm in a normal 2 car garage (came from a 3 bay machinery shed), where there's stuff all room and I'm not sure where to start, apart from tearing down the dash....again.  :tears:

I might wait till I can get a mechanic to do a smoke test firstly. Maybe he has some ideas too, as he's worked on old vettes before. Other than his ideas, I may have to pull it apart. I'll let you know what I find  :hi:

If you swap the hose on t fitting and hose on top side of over ride switch under dash you will effectively reverse the hoses at the headlight switch without having to remove headlight switch and dash. Normally if hoses are reversed at headlight switch you can hear vacuum leaking to atmosphere.  Both hoses should be readily accessible under dash if you take out lower vent duct


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