Technical Tips > Electrical-Electronics-Air-Lighting-Guages-Security-Vacuum

C4 1990 Electrical Ccts FSM

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Those two wires, I thought were for seat belt - pretty sure they go down around into the centre glove box, it has a mercury switch and lights when glove box lid is opened. I gave the light switch a clean and painted white the surfaces behind the globe (T5) and the green LED indicator for Fog Lamps on.

Both are now much brighter, great at night, but I can actually see the led now in the daylight. Found the main Instrument shroud had been previously repaired and re- cracked - so the glue is setting. Love Corvettes.

I would have thought the glove box light would be orange & black

Quick question - I'm not near my books - the seat belt switch is what ? NC or NO when the belt NOT inserted ?..

One would think nc to make the circuit to illuminate the light.

This is a C4 complete with electronics Bfit, between the belt switch and light there is most likely a motza of electronical bibs and bobs.


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