Events > NSW Corvette Club Runs, Events & Notices
Nationals Alternate Weekend Run
Attention Members. EASTER WEEKEND
The powers to be have decreed a weekend replacement run for the Canberra Nationals
So once you cancel your Canb Nationals accomodation and now feel a hole in your Corvette Calender, you may consider joining a joint Canberra & NSWCC Club run down to the Snowy Mountains.
Itinery is for a max of three (3) nights, travel Syd to Cooma Friday for lunch, then down to Jindabyne Hotel for three nights.
Call & Book Jindabyne Hotel on 6456-2203 or call Rob on 0419-418-070 for details and register.
Sat and Sun will be runs to Thredbo and Adaminaby, Monday travel home or what ever at your own discression.
Please ensure you check in with Rob Williamson as COVID19 restrictions may still be an issue - numbers wise.
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