Technical Tips > Engines - Carbies - Exhausts - Dissys

Exhaust Popping?

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you could try this
 with engine cold , you can use the finger pyrometer test . as exhaust starts to warms up.
DONT BURN YOURSELF if you use this method.  only viable for the first 10 to 15 seconds of engine running.

My 1970 454 with solid lifters and stud girdles had a similar problem until I got the valve lash adjusted back to the cam spec. That fixed it.

Matt G:
Thanks guys, I took her for a good run  sitting on about 3k for a while, and all nice again (plug colours, idle, etc). Obviously a good clean out (not a fanging cleanout close to home) is what was needed. However the valve comment has started a ‘COVID QUEST’ for me and I’m trying to figure out my Cam profile.
I’ve measured my rocker lift (pushrod side) for every 15deg of engine rotation and have a pretty profile graph, but still no idea of my cam model/tech profile. So now I’m all in. Belts, pulleys and water pump are off, and I’m heading for the front end of the camshaft to see if it has the number marked there (I’m told that it’s either at the front, back or middle).
However I’ve hit a snag and would love to leverage some experience. My harmonic balancer is on tight. I mean real tight. I purchased a puller (3 bolt version) and it ‘ain’t budging. I’ve drenched in WD40 and left it for days with the centre bold under tension, but still no movement. I thought about tapping with a hammer yesterday, but I didn’t think that it would be okay for the journal bearings.
Any loosening suggestions?

Did you remove the bolt and washer that holds the balancer on.
Ps apologies for asking , but I’ve seen that mistake a few times. Also the bolt removed and the washer left in place.

Matt G:
Haha, all good for asking BFit. Bolt and washer are out, buffed clean, cold gal coated ready to go back in. I needed to get this out to pull off my p/steer and alt pulley.  It was tight as well, but saw a good tip on YouTube to jog-crank the engine with a breaker bar, and it came off easy.
I’ve seen mixed messages on USA forums to pull the balancer. Hit the balancer, hit the centre pulley bolt, and heat it up, but I think all of them run risk to my main bearings, so I wanted to check with my local gurus 😁👍


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