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F book

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Face Book
I wonder how many club members are not on the club face book  page.
I’m not in that group, as I don’t think the club needs FB.
It’s to hard to control content. Is just one reason.

 As I remember it  the page was  to support the info feed on club related information.
And  supply general information to the public about the club.

If my recollection is correct , I would like to know, is the FB page fulfilling this agenda.

I’m informed my word of mouth, ie  third hand info, that our page if not supporting our club too the clubs best advantage.


--- Quote from: Bfit on July 29, 2019, 07:12:08 PM ---Face Book
I wonder how many club members are not on the club face book  page.

--- End quote ---

I'm not on F***book at all, and that's how it will remain.

 :thumbup: :thumbup:  :thumbup: :

 :nag: :nag: :nag:

Hi Bfit and and Gtc

Yes we have a FB page and along with updating news of our club, it also allows advertising third party events on the same day the club has organised its own events.

There is a very good annual event which this year has been organised for the 11th August.  It is the Brass Monkey run that I attended last year. About 15 cars were involved and we went up to the Blue Mountains. The event was organise by Wayne who had taken some considerable time to plan and put in place a great day out.

Now however, our club has allowed some third party run event to be advertised for the same day as Wayne's event. This immediately causes concern that now we have an issue whereby our members may not attend our organised events and going elsewhere.

Wayne's run may be impacted by us giving options out on the day to go to other non club events.  It will be interesting to see if the same occurs for our annual Show and Shine at the end of August.


 :hi:I don't do facebook. :thumb:


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