Seat belt retractor for an 82 is unique that it works upside down from roof down unlike other model vets that operate from under seat, rear wheel arch. Retractors are a non serviceable item as you have found out. US belts are non compliant for full rego.I believe I spoke to your wife regarding supplying compliant belts to suit your car & also addressing the issue of belt not being long enough for her to drive the car.
Thanks for your reply, Yes you did speak with my wife in regards to the belts and thanks for your time and all the helpful info.
to save a few $$ This car will be going on club rego and to keep costs down instead of putting all new restraints in like we discussed we found a mob that can put compliant belts on with original hardware,
we are trying to save a little $$ getting her on road and unfortunately just cant afford all new hardware atm.
You said 82 is a unique year? does this mean the retractor will have to come off an 82 only then mate ??
would you have any lying around or know anyone that would ??
Secondly is it not possible to get the spring and original retrator working again?
Thanks again Nick