Events > Other Runs & Events

Robertson Heritage Railway Classic Car Show.


It has come to my attention that there is a Car Show in Robertson.

Date: Sunday 14th April 2019 - 9.30am - 1.30pm weather permitting.

Gold coin donation per exhibited car - all proceeds to the Heritage Railway Association (not for profit).

Activities include:

Robertson Markets at the School of Arts.
Railway Station historic display open.
Working Model Trains.
Historic Farm Machinery.
Art Show in Fettlers Shed Gallery.
BBQ Sausage Sizzle.
Food - Tea & home made cakes.
Gourmet Coffee Van.     
Public entry free  .......              And more..........

Word of warning, this is not the advertised club run, on this date we have a Coffee & Codgers run, on up North.
And yes this is the first 2nd of their weekend runs for '19.
Club Members were having toooo much fun midweek so they are picking up a few weekend runs to spread the joy.

However for those of you down South, this event may be your cup of tea.
I cant go to two, so maybe an interested  member could pick up the batton.
Info. RHRS Steve Carey, 02 4885 2393 or E:

Good to see your spending your BD, advertising other clubs  outings!
very board minded of you.
 :banana: :omg: :grin: :bbq:

OK - BD?? I give up.

And "other clubs"?????.

The RHRS is a not for profit group trying to restore the old Station.

Its becoming a tourist destination.

this is perfect day out, a reasonable drive, very scenic, "THEY" have done all the hard yards setting up, organising etc

we turn up, any number of cars is a bonus to them,  we get free parking and our wives get to spend on antiques and art --  win win.

i believe there is an garden shop there - did you hear that "Misfit".

BD,  hint, birth date, extrapolate that obi1
train station > I want a porter's trailer  may pick one up cheapish.


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